Workload interviews for employees under annual working time

Published on : 22/02/2024 22 February Feb 02 2024

The fixed annual number of days agreement applies to employees with a certain level of responsibility and autonomy (generally white collars), whose working hours are no longer counted in hours per day or per week, but in days, over the calendar year.

It is therefore a particularly flexible arrangement for the employer. It is, however, subject to certain conditions, strictly verified by the courts, and in particular the employer's obligation to regularly check that the workload of the employee subject to a fixed number of days over the year is reasonable and allows for a good distribution of work overtime.

The terms and conditions under which the employer is to assess and regularly monitor the employee's workload must be laid down by collective agreement. This exchange between employer and employee on workload must take place during a specific meeting, once or twice a year, depending on the recommendations of the collective bargaining agreement.

It's very important to hold this(ese) interview(s).

  • The interview should provide an opportunity to take stock of the period that has elapsed since the previous interview. The employee should be asked about his or her workload, organization and work-life balance.
  • If difficulties are identified, determine a course of action to remedy them.
  • Gather all the information you need for this interview: the monthly statements for monitoring the fixed-rate days (do they show any particular difficulties?), the summary of rest days taken during the period, any reports made to the manager or HR manager to inform them of difficulties relating to the workload, etc.
  • It's important to keep a written record of the interview. Make a report of the findings: is the workload well adapted? Have any actions been decided?
  • View the interview as a confrontation or a performance review; instead, see it as an opportunity for dialogue between the employee and their manager.
  • Ignore any challenges that come to light during the interview. Prompt action should be taken by the employer to adjust the employee's workload accordingly.
  • Forget to involve the human resources department. Plan a feedback session and inform them of any problems with leave management, for example, if that's where the problem lies.


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