Published on : 17/10/2022 17 October Oct 10 2022

Press release

Considering the dynamic economic exchanges between France and Luxembourg as well as the geographical and cultural proximity between both countries, Flichy Grangé Avocats has launched a Desk dedicated to Luxembourgish companies operating in France or seeking to establish a presence on French soil.

In France, the FRA-LUX Desk will assist Luxembourgish companies that are players in a variety of different fields with regards to formalities pertaining to hiring employees in France, wide-scale, or sensitive projects (transferring activities and employees, transnational restructuring, high-risk litigation, etc.) as well as all issues related to the daily management of the employment relationship (mobility, remuneration, working hours, teleworking, social protection, termination of the employment contract, etc.).

Caroline Scherrmann, who is of dual French and Luxembourgish nationalities, is the partner in charge of Flichy Grangé Avocats’ France-Luxembourg Desk. Caroline Scherrmann is a member of the IBA (International Bar Association) and of the “Business Club France-Luxembourg” (BCFL) within the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in France.

Caroline has consistently been nominated as a "Best Lawyer" for France by the American legal magazine Best Lawyers since 2021.

The FRA-LUX Desk is also able to provide services to French companies seeking to establish in Luxembourg through its Luxembourgish partner, Kleyr Grasso. The latter is a member of the international labour and employment alliance L&E Global, which was co-founded by Flichy Grangé Avocats in 2011 and includes 30 top law firms specializing in labour law and operating in the world's major economic and financial centres.


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