Setting up a special negotiating body in the context of a SE

Published on : 03/05/2022 03 May May 05 2022

Further to the EU directive 2001/86/CE of October 8, 2001 (the “EU Directive”) in relation to the involvement of employees in a European Company (so-called “SE”) transposed in France on July 26, 2005, major companies such as Total, Dassault Systèmes, LVMH, Vivendi, etc have chosen to transform into a SE.

Partners, Joël Grangé and Florence Aubonnet explain in this authored piece and present the legal and technical aspects of creating a SE, as well as, which UE and non-UE countries can get involved and how are the SNB (special negotiating body) members designated. 

Download the full article below. 


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