Thursday June 29th 2017 │Redundancy schemes, four years on from the "loi de sécurisation de l’emploi"

Thursday June 29th 2017 │Redundancy schemes, four years on from the "loi de sécurisation de l’emploi"

Auteur : Florence Aubonnet; Stéphanie Dumas
Published on : 23/06/2017 23 June Jun 06 2017

A 2013 Act of Parliament known as the loi de sécurisation de l’emploi has made substantial changes to the rules covering a redundancy scheme, known as a Plan de sauvegarde de l’Emploi.  Henceforth, approval for the plan is issued by the authorities, and resulting disputes fall under the jurisdiction of the Administrative Tribunals.  This is a major shift, one that raises many questions, and to which the four-year body of case law provides some answers, which we shall summarise.

Administrative Tribunal case law on:
  • Order-of-dismissal criteria and job categories
  • Justifying the area of activity
  • Role played by the Health & Safety Committee (CHSCT)
  • The expert’s prerogatives
  • Requirements for a majority agreement to be valid
DIRECCTE practice (Directions régionales des entreprises, de la concurrence, du travail et de l’emploi, i.e. the regional labour authorities)
  • Documents requested (budget for the Plan de sauvegarde de l’emploi, justifying the job categories …)
  • Letter setting out observations (pooling or averaging out the budget for training courses…)
  • Reacting to petitions for court injunctions
With our partners Florence Aubonnet and Stéphanie Dumas

Event takes place at eight-thirty in the morning, at the Maison des arts et métiers.  Registration via our Internet site, free of charge

Event held at 8.30am at the Maison des arts et métiers.  Registration is via our Internet site, and is free of charge


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