Thursday December 14th 2017 | Strategy and arrangements for setting up the statutory "Comité Social et Economique"

Published on : 05/12/2017 05 December Dec 12 2017

All companies with a workforce of eleven or more must set up a Comité Social et Economique (CSE) by December 31st 2019.  The rules have been issued, and open a broad field for collective bargaining in view of setting up a CSE à la carte, as it were.  In practice, how should the employer proceed?

  • Deadlines and arrangements for setting up a CSE, Health, Safety & Working Conditions Committees, and potential représentants de proximité
  • CSE prerogatives, compared to those of the Works Council, staff delegates and Health & Safety Commitee (CHSCT)
  • The CSE:  means and resources
  • New areas for collective bargaining
  • Arrangements for setting up the Conseil d’entreprise
With Stéphanie Guedes da Costa and Jeannie Crédoz-Rosier, partners.

With the kind participation of Claire Scotton, Deputy Head of Cabinet to the Labour Minister.



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