Recruitment in France

Published on : 01/04/2022 01 April Apr 04 2022

Job description


- Focus on concrete tasks and consider which role requirements are essential and which ones are desirable;


 - Avoid gender specific language and references to subjective “values” or behaviours;

Application process (including interviews) 

DO :

- Ensure that the application process is fair and accessible to all candidates / prospective candidates;

- Ensure that there are at least 2 individuals involved in the selection and decision making process;


- Ask questions pertaining to private life, sexual orientations, religion, trade unions activities, health issues, financial issues, etc. Only questions which facilitates the assessment of their professional skills with regards to the offered position may be asked;

- Make assumptions about the reasonable adjustments of a disabled person’s application and their ability to perform effectively in the role. If a disabled applicant seems qualified, they should be offered an interview to clarify the question of reasonable adjustments;

Background checks


- Be transparent with the candidate regarding the background check purpose, methodology and content;

- Focus on the objective assement criteria such as, the authenticity of diplomas and statements, including  the professional experience mentioned in the resume;


- Ask for the full criminal record of the individual as this is not allowed, except for the specific entities such as the security ones;

- Use information relating to the employee’s private life even if  it is publicly available on social media profiles.


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